
Communicate between Vue.js instances


To communicate between two Vue instances you need to create an event hub/event bus. Since Vue instances implement an event emitter interface this can easily be achieved by declaring an empty Vue instance:

let eventHub = new Vue()

You can then $emit events from the first instance as follows:

let appOne = new Vue({
 methods: {
  onClick () {

And use the created hook in the other app to listen for the event:

let appTwo = new Vue({
 methods: {
  showAlert () {
   alert('Button clicked')
 created () {
  eventHub.$on('button-clicked', this.showAlert)
 beforeDestroy () {
  eventHub.$off('button-clicked', this.showAlert)

Remember you can also use the events interfaces' $once method to listen to events only once. As always, an illustrative example is available in this codepen.