
How to log requests and responses in micronaut

Micronaut allows you to customize the Netty pipeline by using a bean event listener. You can therefore add custom channel handlers to the pipeline. Using this knowledge together with Logbook library you can easily log a request and the corresponding response.

1. Add logbook dependencies

Add the Logbook dependencies logbook-core and logbook-netty to your build.gradle.

implementation("org.zalando:logbook-core:2.3.0") implementation("org.zalando:logbook-netty:2.3.0")

2. Add the Logbook bean

Create a bean of type Logbook via an @Factory annotated config class to be used by the pipeline customizer.

package mn.zalando.logbook

import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Factory
import org.zalando.logbook.Logbook

import javax.inject.Singleton

class BeanFactory {

    Logbook logbook() {

3. Create the ChannelPipelineCustomizer

package mn.zalando.logbook

import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
import io.micronaut.context.event.BeanCreatedEvent
import io.micronaut.context.event.BeanCreatedEventListener
import org.zalando.logbook.Logbook
import org.zalando.logbook.netty.LogbookClientHandler
import org.zalando.logbook.netty.LogbookServerHandler

import javax.inject.Singleton

@Requires(beans = Logbook.class)
class LogbookPipelineCustomizer implements BeanCreatedEventListener<ChannelPipelineCustomizer> {

    private final Logbook logbook

    LogbookPipelineCustomizer(Logbook logbook) {
        this.logbook = logbook

    ChannelPipelineCustomizer onCreated(BeanCreatedEvent<ChannelPipelineCustomizer> event) {
        ChannelPipelineCustomizer customizer = event.getBean()
        if (customizer.isServerChannel()) {
            customizer.doOnConnect({ ChannelPipeline pipeline ->
                        new LogbookServerHandler(logbook)
                return pipeline
        } else {
            customizer.doOnConnect({ ChannelPipeline pipeline ->
                        new LogbookClientHandler(logbook))
                return pipeline
        return customizer

The class above implements the BeanCreatedEventListener interface enabling you to listen for the creation of the ChannelPipelineCustomizer bean. With ChannelPipelineCustomizer at hand you can add custom channel handlers to the pipeline whenever a new channel is established. In this case we add LogbookServerHandler from the Logbook library which takes care of the logging.

If clients are sending requests with the Accept-Encoding header, then for the server you might want to add the logbook handler after the compression handler HANDLER_HTTP_COMPRESSOR instead of HANDLER_HTTP_SERVER_CODEC. This ensures that the logging of the response happens before the data is compressed.

if (customizer.isServerChannel()) { 
 	customizer.doOnConnect({ ChannelPipeline pipeline -> 
 		pipeline.addAfter( ChannelPipelineCustomizer.HANDLER\_HTTP\_COMPRESSOR, "logbook", new LogbookServerHandler(logbook) ) 
 		return pipeline 

4. Set Logbook log level

The logbook logger needs to be configured to trace level in order to log the requests and responses.

logger name="org.zalando.logbook" level="TRACE"/>

A working example using Micronaut 2.1.1 can be found on github.